
What is Strategic Sourcing? Know the concept of B2B Strategic Procurement

Strategic sourcing is a “strategic procurement” methodology that helps converting the supply area into a key department for the financial balance of businesses. In other words, this concept shows that organizations shouldn’t focu...


Four agile methodologies that promote innovation, productivity and collaboration in procurement

When comes to project management and innovation, agile methodology is number one among the trends, driven by the acceleration of digital transformation. In fact, agile methodology makes processes simpler, faster and more flexible, and also helps b...

Avaliação da experiência do cliente B2B

Customer experience is also part of B2B e-commerce

The pandemic boosted not only sales in B2C marketplaces, but also in B2B e-commerces throughout the country. With the transformation of the supply chain, many businesses started to purchase products and services through on-line platforms – such as...


Seven tips to avoid mistakes when choosing your company’s suppliers

Choosing the right suppliers is crucial to leverage the results of your business. This is quite a challenge for companies, particularly in the case of direct procurement, that is, related to the marketed product or service. Therefore, before makin...

Quebra-cabeça representa os quatro pilares do e-procurement

What are the four pillars of an e-Procurement solution?

Procurement plays a key role in businesses and faces complex challenges, mainly related to the need of decreasing costs and to buyer productivity. To render the procurement area more strategic, buyers must be freed from manual, bureaucratic and de...


What are the types of B2B procurement and their characteristics?

The procurement sector plays an important role in a company’s business. To act strategically, professionals who intend to work in this area must then understand the simplest concepts, such as the difference between direct and indirect procur...