4 trends for the procurement area in 2020

We are only in the third month of 2020 and many events have already impacted the B2B procurement area: the rising dollar, export problems and materialization of the coronavirus pandemic, along so many other things that are happening behind the pol...

ProcPro – The platform that is revolutionizing the procurement industry

Mercadoe launched a platform that is revolutionizing the corporate procurement sector. Our ProcPro platform has the goal of optimizing the procurement process, in order to give professionals more time to work strategically on what really matters t...

marketplace b2b

Mercadoe offers a Verified Vendor Seal on its marketplace

B2B business systems require constant innovation to satisfy increasingly demanding users, as well as governance and compliance rules. B2BOL (Business-to-Business Online) data released this year foresee a revenue, in December 2019, of R$ 2.39 trill...

Contract management offers less risks and higher profitability to businesses

One of the key challenges in Procurement is to assure a good management of company’s contracts. If established items aren’t well managed, they can affect business profitability and cause losses to the organization. Corporate procuremen...


Mercadoe updates its Public Quotation functionality to generate more B2B buying/selling opportunities

Mercadoe, a leader in B2B e-commerce in Latin America, announced an update of its Public Quotation functionality, which has been available on the platform since 2017. The new version allows the buyers to indicate the kind of product or service the...


5 benefits of being part of a B2B Marketplace

As the years pass by, businesses look for new ways to attract customers. At the same time, those who outsource services are also looking for ways to find the best suppliers, in order to achieve quality and reliable work. For both cases, the digita...

Know ProcPro, the free quotation platform for businesses

The product quotation process can be very lengthy, depending on how it’s carried out. Therefore, more and more companies have been looking for partners that offer automation, in addition to speedy serfvice, with the best value for money in t...

Como aplicar a sustentabilidade em compras?

Mercadoe offers a sustainable alternative to reusable corporate materials

To help reducing scrap accumulation and allow reusing certain objects, Mercadoe – a B2B e-commerce operator in Latin America – is conducting a direct auction system for over 20 years now. It’s a platform that finds buyers for all kinds of in...

Reverse auction: fast and effective electronic negotiations

Surely you have already heard the “Going once, going twice, going three times, sold!” expression in some movie or TV series. But did you know that you can use auction techniques in the corporate environment, in order to streamline the ...

Leilão Reverso - O que é - Como Funciona

Reverse auction: What it is and how it works?

You will find everything about reverse auction in this post: from its meaning to how it works, along with its modes and benefits. Keep on reading and don’t miss any details! In the market, a basic premise for the procurement area of any comp...