O Mercado Eletrônico é líder na América Latina em soluções tecnológicas e serviços para as áreas de compras das empresas, ajudando na redução de custos e melhoria de performance. Com escritórios no Brasil, Portugal e Estados Unidos, a empresa contabiliza mais de 1 milhão de fornecedores, 8 mil compradores e transaciona R$ 80 bilhões em negócios entre fornecedores e compradores. Com o melhor marketplace do mercado, de acordo com o Prêmio Inbrasc 2016 e 2017, o ME está no ranking de Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar em Barueri e Região do Great Place to Work 2017. Para mais informações, acesse me.com.br.

Cost reduction isn’t always the best response to times of crisis

Sustainability became an extremely relevant topic in the corporate world a few years ago. But when we talk about B2B and the relationship between buyers and suppliers, that term isn’t limited to environmental issues only, but also to longevi...


6 tips to boost the efficiency of your company’s procurement management

The procurement area is an important gear for smooth operation of businesses. Therefore, any of them that intend to have sustainable growth and stay competitive in the market must understand, more than ever, the importance of procurement managemen...


Buyer’s Special Week edition: ME’s HR Director provides some tips to empower professionals in the future

September 19th is Buyer’s Day. We from Mercado Eletrônico couldn’t miss this opportunity, and we then planned a week plenty of unique materials, to help procurement professionals stay updated and achieve their career goals. The procure...


Understand how the B2B e-Marketplace offers new business opportunities

e-Marketplaces are on the Internet to stay. This business model started to offer a wealth of opportunities for companies of all segments and sizes. The idea behind this concept is to help companies showcase their products and increase their sales,...


Resilience is the key word to resume supply chain activities after the pandemic

The global crisis we are experiencing has affected the global economy directly. Many businesses are adapting to the new scenario, and adhering to different types of practices, so their business cores can recover what has been lost since the beginn...

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Mercado Eletrônico retains its ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015 certifications

On October 9, Mercado Eletrônico has undergone another audit, and retained its ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certifications. Both of them attest information quality and security in all company processes, in order to deliver increasingly better ...


Mercado Eletrônico introduces its user experience program

Mercado Eletrônico, Latin American leader in B2B e-commerce solutions, released the User Experience Evolution Program recently, and offered several improvements and innovations in its technological platform. The goal is to make users’ daily ...


Savings, agility and collaboration: discover Mercado Eletrônico

Using technology to boost B2B procurement processes is now a reality. According to Forrester Research, 30% of corporate purchases are made on digital platforms and, according to forecasts, that number will increase to 56% within three years. In ad...

Applicants’ attitude towards the pandemic can interfere in the hiring process

Every day, since Brazilians have been forced to stay at home, to protect themselves from the new coronavirus, newscasts show disheartening numbers about the employment situation in the country. Thousands of people had been dismissed, and those who...

Contract management: sustainability and performance for your company

Sustainability is what people are currently talking about in their businesses. And the theme is far from being a fashion trend in the corporate world, but rather a sense of obligation and urgency, for both businesses themselves and Planet Earth. I...