O Mercado Eletrônico é líder na América Latina em soluções tecnológicas e serviços para as áreas de compras das empresas, ajudando na redução de custos e melhoria de performance. Com escritórios no Brasil, Portugal e Estados Unidos, a empresa contabiliza mais de 1 milhão de fornecedores, 8 mil compradores e transaciona R$ 80 bilhões em negócios entre fornecedores e compradores. Com o melhor marketplace do mercado, de acordo com o Prêmio Inbrasc 2016 e 2017, o ME está no ranking de Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar em Barueri e Região do Great Place to Work 2017. Para mais informações, acesse me.com.br.

ME Boost: Mercadoe BI for procurement management

  ME Boost is Mercado Eletrônico’s tool focused on the smart and strategic control of the procurement area within organizations. The solution adds Business Intelligence (BI) technology to B2B purchases and has been designed to make  pro...

3 tips to nurture creative ideas in your company

Innovation is the word of the moment for businesses. However, many still find it difficult to implement new ideas, especially when they come from their employees. There is no way to measure the number of development opportunities missed by organiz...

Pandemic times: reflections for the procurement sector

To minimize the impacts caused by the coronavirus pandemic and reduce contagion amidst the population, several countries have adopted preventive measures, which establish social distance and restrict people mobility in their cities. Eventually, so...

Gestão de compras em tempos de crise

Procurement management in times of crisis

Managing procurement in times of crisis isn’t an easy task. It’s true that the current scenario has concerned many company leaders and, with that, several uncertainties are arising. What measures are required to prevent shortages in ti...

Conhecer o ciclo de vida dos contratos é essencial para uma gestão eficiente, o que impacta diretamente na saúde dos negócios. Saiba mais em nosso post.

What are the 5 stages of contract life cycle?

  Knowing the life cycle of contracts is vital for an efficient management – as it impacts business health directly, as a whole. With the fierce market competitiveness and the high contract volume, many businesses don’t pay due attentio...

Know the Digital Signature – a functionality that makes contract cycle management easier

One of the Procurement area’s key challenges is to ensure a good contract management by the company. If the items are poorly managed, they can affect business profitability and generate losses for the whole organization. Unfortunately, it is...

Digital Weapons x Digital Soul: building relationships in the new era

The digital world is a reality for some time now. And despite it hasn’t been explored yet to its full potential, digitization provides us with benefits that we can no longer go without. Have you ever imagined a world without Google in your p...


The 5 most googled questions on Mercadoe

Mercadoe, a leading B2B e-commerce company in Latin America, arose from the idea of connecting buyers and suppliers in a simple, smart and sustainable way. Through our technology, the B2B buy & sell process – which used to be merely operationa...

4 trends for the procurement area in 2020

We are only in the third month of 2020 and many events have already impacted the B2B procurement area: the rising dollar, export problems and materialization of the coronavirus pandemic, along so many other things that are happening behind the pol...

5 negotiation tactics and tricks you may never have noticed

ME’s B2B Summit 2019 brought together several professionals and interesting lectures for the B2B procurement and sales public. “Negotiation: tactics and tricks that you may never have noticed” was one of the themes addressed at t...