Technology vs. Business: How to align goals?

Digital transformation has brought obvious results to businesses. Productivity gains from automation and the use of technologies have rendered decisions smarter and roles more strategic within organizations. However, we must launch a warning signa...

Compliance: você sabe como prevenir a empresa na relação com parceiros de negócios?

Compliance: business partners are a reflection of your brand

Compliance is a matter of hot debates within businesses. Organizations are looking more and more for transparency in their internal/external processes and negotiations. This is where the management of business partners (or, more specifically, the ...

marketplace b2b

Mercadoe offers a Verified Vendor Seal on its marketplace

B2B business systems require constant innovation to satisfy increasingly demanding users, as well as governance and compliance rules. B2BOL (Business-to-Business Online) data released this year foresee a revenue, in December 2019, of R$ 2.39 trill...


Mercadoe updates its Public Quotation functionality to generate more B2B buying/selling opportunities

Mercadoe, a leader in B2B e-commerce in Latin America, announced an update of its Public Quotation functionality, which has been available on the platform since 2017. The new version allows the buyers to indicate the kind of product or service the...

The benefits of being part of a B2B marketplace

Technological development has brought new ways of buying and selling products to the market. This is very common when comes to B2C commerce. In fact, it isn’t surprising to hear about the emergence of new e-commerce modes, and how much big r...

Um mundo de dados

Accelerate the B2B sales cycle using data analytics

As is widely known, sales and marketing professionals who work in the B2B market have a simple and straightforward goal: contributing to business growth. It would be very easy if business could grow like a crop. At every cycle start, we would have...

Como convencer os gestores da importância da transformação digital?

How to persuade your leaders about the importance of digital transformation?

Digital transformation is now a matter of survival for Brazilian companies; we have already talked about it in this specific post. However, many of such companies still have difficulties to advocate the importance of innovation to their leaders, i...

Innovation is a matter of survival in Brazil

With the wave of digital transformation and the arrival of 4.0 technologies in Brazil, many companies are threatened and possibly doomed to failure. But the solution is quite simple: INNOVATION! According to a survey by CNI (National Confederation...

The challenges of Leader 4.0 in Brazil

In a world where everything is now 4.0, it’s impracticable for a professional to keep using old management methods and working with aged processes, without technology support to drive business processes. It’s true that digital transfor...