B2B e-Marketplace and the Benefits for Business-to-Business Transactions

The B2B e-Marketplace is transforming the way companies conduct their purchasing and manage business partners. By connecting buyers and suppliers on a platform, the B2B e-Marketplace model offers new opportunities to expand sourcing, reduce costs,...

Agile Procurement: the concept that is revolutionizing purchasing

  In the business environment, where speed and adaptability are competitive differentiators, optimizing processes and increasing productivity are increasingly important strategies. The adoption of agile procurement allows companies to quickly...

From resilient to antifragile: how to transform the Supply Chain in times of uncertainty

In recent years, resilience has been essential for companies to maintain continuity of operations, mitigate risks, and adapt to changes in an agile manner. Faced with challenging scenarios, many organizations have realized the importance of creati...

How can blockchain impact supply chains?

Blockchain emerged to revolutionize the way we store and exchange information. The technology was initially created to make Bitcoin transactions—the first virtual currency—more secure and transparent. The word “blockchain” can be broke...

Digital Procurement Transformation Strengthens Sustainability in Companies

Digital transformation is changing how companies conduct business and manage their suppliers, facilitating strategic decision-making for organizations. In the context of sustainability, a transversal theme involving practices across various sector...

Green Supply Chain Management: Transforming the Supply Chain for a Sustainable Future

The rise in environmental concerns and increasing pressure for more sustainable business practices have led organizations to prioritize Green Supply Chain Management. The concept involves reducing the environmental impact at all stages of the supp...