5 insights on hyperautomation and new technologies in procurement

The procurement sector is undergoing significant transformations. The deployment of robust technologies and hyperautomation has raised many doubts, which is only natural when we talk about a change process. In this post of our blog, we’ll ex...

(Português do Brasil) 7 principais tendências de Inteligência Artificial (IA) para 2024


The future of ESG: trends that will shape investments in 2024

In recent years, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) has stood out as a crucial factor in the creation of value, both for consumers and investors.  A recent study conducted by EY revealed that ESG affects 99% of investment decisions in Braz...

What are savings in procurement and how you can save even more

In a procurement context, savings represent an indicator of how much the buyers manage to save by achieving, in a negotiation, a price lower than the baseline (base value of purchasing from a supplier), or a projection of savings in a given period...

Business Intelligence (BI): what is it, what are its benefits and how it can be used in your procurement area

Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of technologies used to collect, analyze, monitor and share large volumes of data. In procurement, the use of BI allows you to plan relevant strategies for the area and make better decisions. BI has a very impor...

Sustainable procurement: how to get a procurement area engaged with ESG?

ESG is the acronym for Environmental, Social and governance. The initiative came to being in 2014, through the UN Global Compact, and is now considered a key issue for businesses to generate value for consumers and investors. To have a glimpse of ...

Sustainability and innovation as competitive factors in the procurement area

The commitment of organizations to sustainability and how they handle environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects boosts their capacity for innovation, along with new business opportunities and greater competitiveness. Hence the growing int...

Learn the 5 pillars of strategic negotiation, led by an expert from Harvard

Negotiation is one of humanity’s oldest practices. The techniques have improved over the years, of course, but the goal is still the same: to close the best deals. In procurement, negotiation is an indispensable factor and a true art when it...

What is important for a supplier to stand out in the digital realm?

The digitization of purchasing processes is already a reality in organizations. Today, with just a few clicks, buyers can find and hire new suppliers. Therefore, positioning yourself online is no longer a choice but a requirement to ensure the sur...

Common feedbacks for a procurement professional and how to build on each one

The buyer’s profile has changed. The ‘order taker’ is a thing of the past and has given way to a strategic professional, with skills that go well beyond technical issues. Behavioral skills have become more and more relevant to pr...