10 skills that are a must for every successful buyer

Changes in the B2B market happen all the time. Nowadays, the required skills to be a good buyer are an outcome of the accelerated pace of transformations, a long maturation process in the area and crises faced by businesses. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ As the relevance ...

buyer-supplier relationship

Buyer-supplier relationship is a key factor in 2020

  During the few last years, the Brazilian market was punctuated by economic crises, which forced businesses to leave their comfort zone and learn to work again. With the advances of Industry 4.0 and professional maturation of leaders, techno...

Compliance: você sabe como prevenir a empresa na relação com parceiros de negócios?

Compliance: business partners are a reflection of your brand

Compliance is a matter of hot debates within businesses. Organizations are looking more and more for transparency in their internal/external processes and negotiations. This is where the management of business partners (or, more specifically, the ...

Como a governança corporativa faz a diferença nas empresas?

Longe de ser uma tendência, os processos ajudam companhias a se estabelecerem em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo. Warren Buffett, da Berkshire Hathaway, Mary Barra, da General Motors, Lowell McAdam, da Verizon, Larry Fink, da BlackRock e outr...

Gestión de riesgos: cómo evitar fraudes en compras

En el mercado, hay una tendencia al crecimiento de procesos tercerizados que aumentan la dependencia de una base de proveedores calificados. Ante esta realidad, la Gestión de Riesgos se está convirtiendo en uno de los temas cada vez más relevantes...