Automation in procurement and its impacts for B2B business processes

For some years now, the procurement area has been contributing significantly to savings and competitiveness of businesses. As the sector evolved over the years, processes of the operational kind – which are often bureaucratic and time-consuming – ...

The leading trends for supply chain in 2023

In 2022, the blockings in China and the conflict between Russia e Ukraine were the key impacts on supply chains worldwide. To keep operations running and reduce the chances of shortages, the businesses had to rethink their strategies, in order to ...

ESG grows in procurement and becomes a priority for businesses

  What are the positive and negative impacts that your supply chain generate on the environment and society? It’s through these and other questions that your department can start planning actions aimed at ESG in procurement – an acronym...

5 mistakes in procurement management that can impair your results

Every day, the procurement area gains prominence in companies, thanks to its strategic importance in business growth. However, some errors in procurement management can hinder the speed of its evolution. There are some myths that still haunt procu...

5 trends for the procurement area in 2023

The last year stood out for the return of face-to-face meetings and key events. The new work modes, both remote and hybrid, proved to be an alternative in the crisis, and are still a strategic path for many businesses. And year after year, the pro...

See here the 5 most viewed posts on ME’s blog during 2022

2022 will be remembered as the year in which face-to-face activities were resumed, particularly with the return of an agenda filled with important events in the procurement sector. In addition to promoting the ME B2B Summit 2022, in a 100% face-to...

10 behavioral skills to be a good procurement leader

Being a good procurement leader goes well beyond the technical knowledge required by the area. Behavioral skills are more and more demanded for this position. For this reason, procurement leaders must know themselves and be an example to their tea...

10 skills that are a must for every successful buyer

Changes in the B2B market happen all the time. Nowadays, the required skills to be a good buyer are an outcome of the accelerated pace of transformations, a long maturation process in the area and crises faced by businesses. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ As the relevance ...

Supplier management: what is it and how can it impact your business?

What is supplier management? Supplier management is an important process in the procurement area, which aims to ensure control and the best conditions related to businesses’ supply sources. A good relationship between businesses and their su...

7 negotiation strategies to leverage the results of your business

Negotiation in B2B procurement is one of the most important pillars for businesses. That’s because $1 saved means $1 in profit for the company. In other words, having knowledge on the top negotiation strategies is key to win the best deals a...