O Mercado Eletrônico é líder na América Latina em soluções tecnológicas e serviços para as áreas de compras das empresas, ajudando na redução de custos e melhoria de performance. Com escritórios no Brasil, Portugal e Estados Unidos, a empresa contabiliza mais de 1 milhão de fornecedores, 8 mil compradores e transaciona R$ 80 bilhões em negócios entre fornecedores e compradores. Com o melhor marketplace do mercado, de acordo com o Prêmio Inbrasc 2016 e 2017, o ME está no ranking de Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar em Barueri e Região do Great Place to Work 2017. Para mais informações, acesse me.com.br.

Compliance in Procurement: from obstacle to strategic factor for your company

In the dynamic B2B business environment, the integrity and efficiency of the purchasing sector are crucial for expanding a company’s competitive edge. Therefore, strengthening corporate governance and adopting compliance practices are no lon...

Supply Chain and Value Chain: What is the Difference?

In the B2B universe, understanding the difference between the supply chain and the value chain is fundamental to optimizing operations and maximizing customer satisfaction. Although both concepts are crucial to a company’s success, they focu...

Procurement professional: a career for the future

If you are thinking of being a procurement professional or if it’s worth still investing in a buyer’s career, you must know that the supply management area is one that shows the fastest growth in the country. In fact, procurement is am...

Ten KPIs to measure the performance of your procurement area

In recent years, the procurement area has undergone significant transformations. The buyer is no longer just an ‘order taker’ and has evolved into a strategic professional. With these changes, monitoring KPIs (Key Performance Indicator...

5 insights on hyperautomation and new technologies in procurement

The procurement sector is undergoing significant transformations. The deployment of robust technologies and hyperautomation has raised many doubts, which is only natural when we talk about a change process. In this post of our blog, we’ll ex...

(Português do Brasil) 7 principais tendências de Inteligência Artificial (IA) para 2024


Mercado Eletrônico apresenta sua Reunião Trimestral Q3-2023

Hoje, dia 27/10, nossa 4ª e última Reunião Trimestral de 2023 reuniu equipes do Mercado Eletrônico, no WeWork, um dos maiores coworkings de São Paulo, para apresentação dos resultados, planejamento das ações para o próximo trimestre, reconheciment...

ME B2B Summit 2023: veja um resumo do evento mais esperado do mercado B2B

A quinta edição do ME B2B Summit, no dia 18 de outubro, reuniu mais de 1700 pessoas, na espaço Vibra São Paulo, uma das maiores casas de espetáculos da América Latina. Foram mais de 16 horas de conteúdo, com uma agenda repleta de convidados especi...

The future of ESG: trends that will shape investments in 2024

In recent years, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) has stood out as a crucial factor in the creation of value, both for consumers and investors.  A recent study conducted by EY revealed that ESG affects 99% of investment decisions in Braz...

Mercado Eletrônico announces Mr. Tim Cardoso as COO (Chief Operation Officer)

With plenty of experience in customer relations, Mr. Tim Cardoso is the new COO (Chief Operation Office) at Mercado Eletrônico, and joins the Customer Service, Customer Success, Projects and BPO teams as global leader in these areas. Throughout hi...