Supplier management: what is it and how can it impact your business?

What is supplier management? Supplier management is an important process in the procurement area, which aims to ensure control and the best conditions related to businesses’ supply sources. A good relationship between businesses and their su...

How to render the procurement area more strategic

In a fairly recent past, the supply department had the exclusive function of taking direct and indirect purchase orders from different areas. The main problem was that many of these orders were placed on an urgent basis, without the required infor...


Supplier selection: learn how to hire the best ones

As it has a direct link with profitability and image of businesses, the issue of supplier selection must be seen as extremely important for organizations. In Finding Nemo animation movie, the character Nemo asks Dory: – How do you know that ...


What are the types of B2B procurement and their characteristics?

The procurement sector plays an important role in a company’s business. To act strategically, professionals who intend to work in this area must then understand the simplest concepts, such as the difference between direct and indirect procur...


4 supply chain trends for 2021

2020 was a year distinguished by the need of adaptation for everyone. In view of the limitations imposed by the pandemic, it was necessary to let go some old habits and create different ways of working, learning, meeting, exercising, and many othe...


The most common mistakes in procurement planning

Procurement planning is one of the most important activities for any company. As it accounts for 60% of an organization’s expenses, the sector deserves a strategic look from its managers and businesses that wish to stay relevant. But without...

5 mistakes that hinder corporate procurement planning

Procurement activities are vital to any company. Therefore, over the years, managers started to consider such area with a more strategic view. Consequently, businesses that want to grow and intend to stay relevant in the market, should invest in p...


The impact of digital transformation on procurement

Procurement processes have changed a lot in recent years, both in retail and in B2B commerce – operations are increasingly digitized and remote negotiations are taking a significant space in the market. In today’s post, Luiz Gastão Bolonhez,...

Contract management: sustainability and performance for your company

Sustainability is what people are currently talking about in their businesses. And the theme is far from being a fashion trend in the corporate world, but rather a sense of obligation and urgency, for both businesses themselves and Planet Earth. I...

5 key steps to efficient risk management

In our time, a company without risk management can hardly survive in the marketplace. For those still unfamiliar with the term, Risk Management is a set of activities aimed at managing and controlling a company against potential threats. This goes...