O Mercado Eletrônico é líder na América Latina em soluções tecnológicas e serviços para as áreas de compras das empresas, ajudando na redução de custos e melhoria de performance. Com escritórios no Brasil, Portugal e Estados Unidos, a empresa contabiliza mais de 1 milhão de fornecedores, 8 mil compradores e transaciona R$ 80 bilhões em negócios entre fornecedores e compradores. Com o melhor marketplace do mercado, de acordo com o Prêmio Inbrasc 2016 e 2017, o ME está no ranking de Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar em Barueri e Região do Great Place to Work 2017. Para mais informações, acesse me.com.br.
Leilão Reverso - O que é - Como Funciona

Reverse auction: What it is and how it works?

You will find everything about reverse auction in this post: from its meaning to how it works, along with its modes and benefits. Keep on reading and don’t miss any details! In the market, a basic premise for the procurement area of any comp...

The benefits of being part of a B2B marketplace

Technological development has brought new ways of buying and selling products to the market. This is very common when comes to B2C commerce. In fact, it isn’t surprising to hear about the emergence of new e-commerce modes, and how much big r...

Um mundo de dados

Accelerate the B2B sales cycle using data analytics

As is widely known, sales and marketing professionals who work in the B2B market have a simple and straightforward goal: contributing to business growth. It would be very easy if business could grow like a crop. At every cycle start, we would have...

Consultoria em gestão de fornecedores ajuda a evoluir o processo em empresas

The value of relationship with suppliers

The relationship between buyers and suppliers is deserving attention by the B2B market and is increasingly important for business competitiveness. In fact, a 2016 survey by Fundação Getulio Vargas/celog indicates the relationship between buyers an...

Como convencer os gestores da importância da transformação digital?

How to persuade your leaders about the importance of digital transformation?

Digital transformation is now a matter of survival for Brazilian companies; we have already talked about it in this specific post. However, many of such companies still have difficulties to advocate the importance of innovation to their leaders, i...

Innovation is a matter of survival in Brazil

With the wave of digital transformation and the arrival of 4.0 technologies in Brazil, many companies are threatened and possibly doomed to failure. But the solution is quite simple: INNOVATION! According to a survey by CNI (National Confederation...

The challenges of Leader 4.0 in Brazil

In a world where everything is now 4.0, it’s impracticable for a professional to keep using old management methods and working with aged processes, without technology support to drive business processes. It’s true that digital transfor...

Rerverse auction: obtain the best savings in large scale purchases

In the market a basic premise in a purchasing department of any company is to carry out quotations with various suppliers before making a purchase. For the purchasing of products and services in large scale, this process is generally laborious and...

7 benefícios da automação de processos para o seu negócio

A competitividade no mercado é acirrada. Em grande parte dos setores, as empresas concorrem pela atenção e preferência do cliente. E para conseguir atingir o alvo, a palavra de ordem é a automação de processos. Fazer mais, em menos tempo, com cust...

Como a governança corporativa faz a diferença nas empresas?

Longe de ser uma tendência, os processos ajudam companhias a se estabelecerem em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo. Warren Buffett, da Berkshire Hathaway, Mary Barra, da General Motors, Lowell McAdam, da Verizon, Larry Fink, da BlackRock e outr...